(English)A huge number of people from every nation (Rv 7,9) (Spanish) Una muchedumbre innumerable de toda nación (Apoc. 7,9) (Japanese) あらゆる国からの数え切れない群集(黙示録7,9) (English) The celebrations of November 1st and 2nd are a…
(English) A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (Japanese)目が見えるように... (Spanish) El hijo de Timeo, ciego (English) The point of the story is not on the healing as such. People rebuke the blind man, telling him to be silent, but he crie…
The logic of power vs. the way of compassion and the praxis of service.(English): Power and authority… This is not the way it is among you(Japanese): 偉い人たちが支配し、権力をふるっている。しかし、あなた方の間では、そうではない。 (Spanish…
(English)It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle…Mk 10 ,17-30 (Spanish)Más fácil es que un camello pase por el ojo de una aguja que no que entre un rico en el reino de Dios.(Japanese)財産のある者が神の国に入るのは、神…