
王であるキリスト  Nov.22, 2009 Last Sunday

Otros blogs del autor en español(スペイン語でのマシア著のブログ): 1.Vivir en la frontera ( http://lacomunidad.elpais.com/apoyoajmc/posts) 2. Convivencia de religiones ( http://blogs.periodistadigital.com/convivencia-de-religiones.php ) ー…

33rd Sunday, 15 Nov 09, Keep awake! Mk 13

33rd Sunday, 15 Nov 09, Keep awake! Mk 13(Spanish and Japanese text will be posted later)1. A word of warning against the Temple (and against the conservative optimism of those who were looking at the Temple, symbol of the old religion -no…

32nd Sunday The Widow,s Offering (Mark 12, 38-44)

32nd Sunday The Widow,s Offering (Mark 12, 38-44) (English) Mark 12, 41-44 is the climax of the conflict and confrontation between Jesus and the Temple. We should understand the role of this story within the context of the twelfth chapter …